Real estate news article

over 6 years ago

The Monash Men’s Shed is an active group of men with over 140 members aged from 18 to 94 years old that plays a significant part in the City of Monash by promoting social inclusion and encouraging the reduction of social withdrawal. The Monash Men’s Shed, (located at 1/49 77 Bogong Avenue, Glen Waverley) warmly welcomes old and new members to get together to demonstrate their skills, contribute to their communities, make new friends and avail themselves of information on health and community programs. This is important for all men most especially the elderly, widower and retiree members to have a support group of likeminded men.



Recognised in our community for building and repairing furniture with tools and machineries at the shed for children from several local schools, what is unknown to most of us is that this charity is also giving back to the many other local organisations within our community. The Monash Men’s Shed bring together over 40 men to share a meal together every Wednesday. It is an inspiring initiative here in the City of Monash to have its very own support group for men that promotes the importance of mental health and general well-being.


The Monash Men’s Shed have very big plans in the future of growing their membership and attracting support from our community to allow them to continue what they do.

Pick My Project

Pick My Project is a Victorian-first community grants initiative, with at least $1 million in funding available in each metro and regional area. ‘Men on the Move’ is a mobile program by the Monash Men's Shed with the aim to assist men engage with their community and to reduce the social isolation of men. 

They need as many votes as possible to be able to secure $80,000 funding from the Pick My Project government initiative in order to purchase a bus and build a mobile shed to move men around the community and allow men to participate in various activities that improve mental health and general well-being.

Voting only takes 2 minutes! Let’s support the Monash Men’s Shed by voting for the ‘Men on the Move’ project.